5 Top online games for girls free of cost

When a boy gets bored,5 Top online games for girls free of cost Articles he has an option to go outside and pay with their friends, but girls don’t like that. They like to stay at home and engage themselves in many house, household works like cooking dressing and makeup. But when they get bored, they have the best option of playing online girls games. These games are mostly free, but some websites charge you for playing their games. Given below is the list of some top 5 free games that can be played directly from your browser without any downloading or installation.

1 Barbie car game: it is one of the best Barbie games for girls in this game your task is to help Barbie reach her home from her school. You have to give her a ride through the hilly tracks. Remember to collect gadgets on the road for more points. These gadgets can alter your car’s size and shape also by collecting these gadgets you can perform many stunts.

2 Frozen games: the frozen movie was introduced in 2013. This cartoon movie becomes an instant hit among the kids and earned millions of dollars. Soon game developers started making games on this cartoon these games become a big hit among the girls because the characters were the original cartoon characters. These games can be found on many web sites free of cost.

3 Sara cooking class:

Sara is one of the well-known chefs of the world. This game is quite different from other cooking or online games. In this game before going any further you have to take a class from the dearest Sara, then when you learn how to make that recipe you have to give a test for her the score, which you obtain from the test is your final score dnabet in the game this game can help you to improve your cooking skills.

4 Dora games:

Dora the Explora is every girl’s favorite. Her cartoons have entertained people for more than a decade. Despite of her cartoons, most of her games do not meet the cartoon. Dora games are mostly dressed up or cooking games only a few of them are detective games that match the theme of the cartoon.

5 makeup game:

Girls are the biggest fan of makeup and fashion, they invest most of their time in front of the mirror putting makeup in their face, but for little kids these makeup items can be harmful because they have lots of chemicals in them there for the online world is the best place where they can play with makeup items by beautifying the virtual girls at there.

All of the above game can be played many websites free of cost. Beside this these games will boost their thinking capacity and make them sharper. It is good to know about the benefits online games can give you its effects on your lifestyle.